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Iori Yagami


I told you that I'd be back. I'll bring the terror to your computer. You should try to hide somewhere because I'll get you, but do not be panicked... I'll tell you later why.


A a teen, Ken had a dream, which was to

 become a good fighter. However,

 becoming a good fighter isn't so easy as

 he thought. He extremely needed  to learn

 honor, respect and discipline. He was

 sent to Japan where there was a master

 named Shotokan. There he met Ryu,

 another young karate student, and they

 quickly became friends for life. They both

 have learned a lot of techniques from their

 master, they have developed new types of

 techniques by themselves.

                      Jennifer Aniston

There is not such as a beautiful girl like

Jennifer. Her beauty and smoothly hair

reflect her admirable personality in every 

Friends' show.  In September, she received

an Emmy because Friend's rating. Sadly, 

Jennifer has a boyfriend. His name is the

ugly Brad Pitt. However, it's not a such a big

deal because I am not jealous, and I know 

she will be mine someday. 

AC/DC is one of the survivor rock and

 roll bands, which has been playing for

 almost 27 years. Back in Black one is

 most sold albums in the 80's because

 its excellent songs. in 2001, in Munich,

 AC/DC made an marvelous perform

 giving the audience spectaculars

 songs. In others words, AC/DC will not

 stop rocking for centuries.  


 Email: eleramny@lycos.com

 If you want to be my friend, you should send an email, but I would like only to receive from women ok!